Friday, September 7, 2012

Beauty Rest

The kids (ages 2 – 33 years) are in for a few days again. It always keeps the house hopping, although I am looking for a place that has bottled energy for my bones are moving slower each day. I wouldn’t trade a second of it though. Those little arms cure all when wrapped around my neck. The silly laughs and pleas to play remind me of so many of the joys God has in store for us. I got to do a little “grandson-sitting” while Stephanie met with old friends and attended events with that handsome hubby of hers. That girl of mine just doesn’t stop, which is just fine with me as long as she leaves the grandsons with me!

The time passes twice as quickly when they are in town. (It probably is only 1.8967 faster but you know how I tend to exaggerate.) They’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon in order to continue church shopping by their new home. Sundays here make it difficult to try out Indiana church homes. I’m proud that this lack of church bothers my girl because it is a shining example of the wonderful woman that she has become. I thank God daily for providing me with such a loving daughter. (I’m not even trying to butter her up to watch the boys some; she really is a fantastic daughter. I did something right to get her as my one and only kid!) She always has her mind jam packed with activities we can do together, but the bodies of two old folks with chronic pain kind of wipe out the best of intentions.

Tomorrow morning we go to a fundraiser brunch for LSSI – Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. This organization has continuously been held in high regard as it tries to help some of the neediest in our state. This is bound to be one of those times when I wish my checkbook balance had a few more digits, but we’ll see what we can do. I would love to be more active with this group, but I also must not be too generous with donating my time. My mouth often bites off more than reasonable, but my brain doesn’t catch on until my heels are dragging.

Many of you have sent wonderful emails after reading about our current sleeping habits since Lewy has entered our home. I really zonked out a lot over the holiday weekend and I think these nightmares might have something to do with that. I find myself either comatose to the world or wide awake staring at Bob’s chest slowly rising and falling in the dark. My hand constantly reaches over to check the muscle tone of his arms. Stephanie teases while wondering how many doctors will get the “I really can’t wake him up?” scenario. The good news is that I finally have a somewhat legit reason for being the “DON’T” picture in so many of the fashion magazines. I can blame it on my lack of beauty sleep. I won’t tell anybody that this face has cracked mirrors for many a decade prior to this latest health malady.

My appearance is starting to appear Asian as my eyes are scrunched up while staring at the computer screen. (I love when people hear my name and are totally aghast that I am a pale-faced blue-eyed specimen. I just whisper to them that my hubby looks Swedish and watch for their reactions.) It’s time I call it a day. I want to finish this really good book I am reading, but get so frustrated that I find myself rereading the same paragraphs for 36 minutes. It doesn’t feel like I will have any better luck tonight.

So happy weekend everyone. Try to get out and enjoy Mother Nature with someone you love. There’s no ice yet by our mailboxes, so you may saunter through the neighborhood in style. Make sure you tell others that you love them. It’s impossible to say that too frequently for life can do an about face at the speed of space travel. Go remind the world that life is good.

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
             It takes us half of forever to even walk around the block, so millions could have the opportunity of seeing us walk hand in hand if we lived in a busier subdivision.

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