Sunday, July 29, 2012

This is Love

It was wonderful having my daughter and her family come visit this weekend. A nephew on Christopher’s side turned six. They were finally close enough to join in a simple family celebration. They stayed in our home and brightened the walls that surround us.

They had to go to some of their personal favorites when we dined out. For Stephanie, that would be Portillo’s three meals per day. Christopher wanted a Lou’s pizza, but we couldn’t put that in a short 40-hour visit. Where would be your places to dine when you return to your past residences?

The kids kept me smiling and just plain laughing. Teddy is smart, silly and heart warming. Ollie is outgoing, determined and intelligent. Stephanie gave me a perfect example of the difference between the two boys. They had gone to a small beach at Christopher’s former base. The boys were told to not get their shirts wet until she joined them. The idea behind this standard was to stay where it was shallow until she could get out all the paraphernalia you take for a summer afternoon. Teddy went into the water and stopped when the water reached his hips. Ollie got that far and then lifted up his shirt and just kept going. Neither boy got their shirt wet; they just did it in their own way. We went to get the boys new Crocs along with those little Jibbitz that decorate the top. Teddy took his time, but picked out five within a reasonable time. He got some Superheroes with a couple of close ups of Scooby Doo. Ollie looked at the choices for about 47 hours before making his selection of various bugs and animals.. He studies and scrutinizes every detail. At church, the lesson was the feeding of the 5,000. Our pastor asked the kids at the children’s sermon to assist in the distribution of baskets of bread to share with all the members in the congregation. Teddy solemnly passed the basket from row to row. Ollie just kept on eating, helping himself to more bread as needed.

I was also able to view the exact match for the word love during their short visit. How perfect to glance to my side at the communion rail and see the five members of my family in reverent reflection. I followed Stephanie and Bob as they returned to their seats. Stephanie firmly grasped Bob’s arm and proudly went back to our pew. Her head was held high and her walk confident. Her look to her Poppy was tender and caring. This was the visual of love. I can’t pick out a stronger example. Their bond has always been strong and it’s not getting weaker. This is love. This is life. Life is good.

God Uses Our Love to Prove that Life is Good
       - A close family is the ideal definition of the word love. Life is good.

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