Sunday, June 17, 2012

Grandma Wants It Now

I just had a chat on the computer with my daughter. She had sent via email four great pictures of the grandsons. I immediately wanted to post them on Facebook or perhaps get a billboard on some nearby expressway. She teasingly commented that it was said that young folks today don’t know how to delay gratification. I let her know that such patience did not pertain to grandmothers. By my age, I didn't and couldn't delay gratification. Who knew what would happen later? With that, she took her dog out and went up to read a book. I think that means that I won.

Some of you might know what I mean. There is that inner thrill with having the cutest kids of the world that you just can’t help yourself. The lady behind you in the grocery store needs to see their little faces. It just wouldn’t be right otherwise. The receptionist at the doctor better look at all the newest prints or else her day could be ruined. Nobody has ever turned me down. It’s my duty as a grandmother to share these vital moments in history.

As part two of my list of fun stuff, let me give you the next five things. When I was thinking over what to write, I noticed that all my initial five items had to do with food. I’m not sure if there is some correlation to need to my need to lose weight, but I figured I better save some of those events until tomorrow if I can still remember them. Here goes.

6.  Get in a lawn chair or lie in the grass and look at the cloud formations. Do you see a unicorn or a hamburger? Those food things just slip in there. The only key thing to note is that if you do lie on the ground, make sure you have a neighbor close by to help you get up. Otherwise some snacks for the ground may be a necessity.

7.  Write a note to someone in your life who might need a smile. It could be to someone in your workplace or church. I sent one out to each child in the kids’ choir once in church. Last year, one of the high school graduates said he still had my note. Now I know my gift of gab is special, but simple notes of thanks can go a long way. Plus folks are so used to getting any mail from the internet that an actual item from the slow mail will blow their minds.

8. This is kind of like the last one, but take the opportunity to brag about an employee to the boss. Maybe the grocery clerk was extra nice; talk with the manager. The UPS driver always is good with your packages: send a letter to the UPS headquarters. (I did this once and had the president of UPS call me up to thank me for the unique note. Apparently notes of praise are pretty nonexistent.) After great service from a waiter, email the boss. Tell a wife that their husband brought you guys great drinks. (Ha Ha! Get it! Let the boss know that someone was good.) You get the idea. It’s easy, cheap and fun. What more do you want?

9. While you are at the grocery store, buy two bouquets of flowers. Give one to a neighbor and keep the other for yourself. They always help brighten the day. I don’t have flowers often and love the grocery store ones lots if my husband surprises me. That’s a hint Bob. Will someone call up my husband and tell him?)

10. Here is a food one – eat your way through the alphabet. The next time you go out to eat, pick a restaurant that starts with an A. It doesn’t have to be a whole meal, maybe just a drink and an appetizer. Try Applebee’s or Auntie Anne’s for example. Then the following time, go to a B place. Buena Beef, Ben and Jerry’s or Burger King are three simple choices. Bob and I were always going to do this, but never followed through. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. What a great excuse to eat out. Good luck on some of those harder letters. Some creativity or travel may be needed.

Well there you be. Pretty good for one post! You got five more items to add to your bucket list and input about the grandmaternal instinct that needs instantaneous gratification. Enjoy your day for life is very good.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
        -  Who else can eat your way through the alphabet and say it is for health reasons? Have local French fries; use less ketchup. A diet chocolate milkshake is one with no whipped cream. Get the idea? Boy, life is good.

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