Saturday, May 5, 2012

That Darn Cinnamon Raisin Brioche French Toast with Warmed Orange Marmalade

Food has an addictive yank at my stomach and spirit. I objectively can state that I am overweight. I need to rip my blubber from my frame in order to even pretend to live a healthy lifestyle. Some pounds have slowly left my body but at a measly rate of 0.7 per week. Whoopie! At this rate, I can be removed from the ranks of the obese at the conclusion of 832 more weeks.

While I visited the sunny state of California, I told myself that I was on vacation and was thus deserving of sumptuous delights. This allowed me to scarf down that cinnamon raisin brioche French toast with warmed orange marmalade that I talked about in my last posting. Frozen yogurt is slightly better than its ice cream counterpart, but chocolate mixed with caramel yogurt complete with brownie nuggets, cookie crumbles and peanut butter chunks is probably not a key ingredient for most diet situations. The syrup poured throughout shaved ice is generally overflowing with sugar. Whenever I cross the threshold of a buffet, I feel it necessary to get my money’s worth. This logically makes no sense, but just try convincing my right hand as it clutches silverware laden with food.

Getting back to Illinois has not helped my waistline. Today I was fortunate enough to attend a women’s retreat at my church. Once again food was aplenty. We tease that potlucks are part of what Lutherans represent. To make matters harder for even the most stringent dieter, triple chocolate brownies covered the dessert table. I don’t want to even consider how many weight watcher points reside in each delectable delight.

My resolve must harden. I’m not proud of my limited success. I’m placing this on my blog as a means of accountability. My daughter once told me that our bodies were sculpted in the likeness of God. He wants us to care for our frames. I need to shed the padding that covers my bones. Say a prayer or two or eight for some scale success. I need all the help that I can get.

God Uses My Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
      -  I have a blog with readers who will hold me accountable about my weight to help me have a life that is good. 

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