Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hues of the Irish

Bob is still out in Pittsburgh. I don’t know which he is enjoying more: the basketball tournament or the high-caloric food. With him, it could be a tie. Today ends his games and eating frenzy, so he will soon be headed back home to a wife that attempts to have a wee bit of control over his beloved diet.

With Bob gone, I took a hero stand and went out to battle my enemies first thing this morning. I took Einstein for a fast walk and confronted the mold and pollen that is everywhere this gorgeous March day. I actually had to turn our air conditioning on yesterday to try to filter the air. That’s the nutsy part about the homes of allergy sufferers. The first spring days bring gentle touches of warmer weather, and we hunker down in our locked homes surrounded by boxes of tissues and migraine medicine.

Yes, you read the despised eight-letter word. In my head, I view it with the disdain of two four-letter words. It has that much impact on my life. MIGRAINE! Yesterday was the first day in a while that they were way past tolerable and I needed to take refuge in a dark bedroom. I took my medicine as prescribed and even managed to swallow Mountain Dew and a small chocolate Weight Watchers bar. (Note that there are some positives with this crazy head of mine! Caffeine can scare away some of my headaches.) Anyway, those steps were all in vain and things progressed quickly throughout the day. My late night stroll with Einstein brought back that Weeble walk on which rests part of my fame. Catalogs and magazines are now stashed in the bathroom to aid in passing the time while I cling to the porcelain goddess.

Things don’t appear much better today however I figure that I am now all dressed for this leprechaun madness as my face remains locked in various hues of green. I had thoughts of venturing out to a craft show with a friend, but her calendar was booked solid and I can’t carry our toilet out to the car. (Stop reading a second and picture dainty me lugging around a toilet as I walk the crowded rows of a frenzied craft show. People would probably clear a path for me though.)

So instead, I will gather my materials for studying for my class. At least this book is really quite interesting and beneficial. If I am feeling better later, I might bravely venture out or possibly descend to the basement to gather some of my ancient Easter decorations.

Green isn’t a good color for me, so I pray that my cheeks might switch to a pasty white or even better a slight pink. I fear that the only way they could transform me to an Easter pastel is for me to pour on liquid foundation and then cake on lots of powder blush. At least I am in no pain, just more frustrated at my usual plight. But I hope all of you can get outside to experience these record setting days with friends and family. Enjoy! I’ll drown my sorrows in drink – Mountain Dew.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good
             - I’m already festive for any hidden leprechauns with my face a pea soup             green.             Maybe I can crawl to that pot of gold. Boy, life is good.

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