Monday, January 16, 2012

Can Somebody Help Me Wake Up Bob?

I am trying to participate in activities where I can fool some people into thinking that I might have a brain. I knew I needed to start with some activities besides these silly computer games. At least Words with Friends uses a little mental stimulation, but I’m not sure what "slingshotting" colored birds to try to smoosh these round frog amounts to. I play this dumb game on my new Kindle Fire while admitting that it is a total waste of my time. It also is addicting, “as all get out.” (That’s a dumb expression that I don’t even know if I have right.)

So, I now am officially – a little drum roll please – a Reiki practitioner. Reiki is an unusual healing technique involving laying on of the hands. Bob had taken the beginning course way BJAS (Before Janet and Stephanie) to help ease his uncle’s pain with cancer. While growing up, Stephanie would call on Bob to use Reiki to help upset tummies, skinned knees and stuffy noses. His hands heat up faster than a mug in a micro. Don’t ask me how – they just do. So anyway, now we both have progressed to actually be certified as practitioners. Pretty neat stuff! I tried using my new skills on Teddy when he was in town. He quickly proclaimed that Nanny’s hands got too hot. His congestion also got better.

You know I wouldn’t stop there. I am also working on becoming a Meditation Instructor through the American Institute of Health Care Professionals. It feels good to have a text, some papers and a yellow highlighter in hand. I know that meditation has helped reduce the medication, so I have to be on the right road. I’m not sure where I will go with all of this newfound knowledge, but you can’t blame a girl from trying. I’ll do anything to help reduce the pain that Bob and I have. (Well maybe almost anything.) Anyway, I am just about finished with the first class. Don’t be alarmed if you hear a lot of heavy breathing coming from this address.

It all comes down to me trying to heal. Bob and I have to stop all this falling and crawling stuff. I’m not very photogenic down there. At least, we are headed in the right direction and you never know what I will do with all this added info. I know I need to work on Bob though. He keeps falling asleep as soon as I try to get him to meditate.

Speaking of sleep, I probably better head upstairs. I want to finish this one book. Slow down your breathing and take care.

God Uses My Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
     -  It’s a new togetherness for Bob and I as I slowly count and Bob snores to the beat.

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