Monday, August 8, 2011


I’m sitting in a hospital waiting room, which is kind of usual for us I guess. Luckily, this time it is only for tests. Bob is having his entire body CAT scanned and MRIed. So I am pretending to be comfy while I type these words and ignore the jabbering of a nearby child. Others surround me reading, talking and even sleeping. Oh the things we do while waiting.

Meanwhile we have people at our home who are putting in ceiling tiles and others who are checking out my tank. Yoshi, the companion fish for my pistol shrimp, died. They have this symbiotic relationship where the pistol shrimp builds the home and protects her while she goes out to gather food. (Sounds a little familiar to other human relationships that I know.) Well, I just found out the when the fish dies; the pistol shrimp goes a little nuts. You should see the large rocks that he knocked over and the reaction of the other fish as they try to huddle in some cave or hole. Plus the chiller is not working correctly so the temperature is cool. When I left, it was 77.1 and it should be closer to 80 degrees. Can you imagine if others expected to keep your surroundings within one degree? These little fishees have the right idea.

I’ve been a real ditz lately. I was so proud that I had mailed off the newsletter articles for my church newsletter early, but I had written them without ever sending them. After a request by the editor, I found it in the draft folder. If anyone out there has found a spare brain, I would appreciate having it. I don’t know where I left mine!

So the day continues, much as others. I’m getting better grabbing appropriate items with me as we trudge off for doctor appointments and medical tests. With free Wi-Fi and my power cord, this little laptop of mine can keep my busy. I even brought my kindle in case reception was lousy. I’m getting so techie. I’m only about 15 years behind.

My daughter’s family will be here in “three more sleeps”. I’ve noticed that is the trendy terminology currently used for those with small ones. (If you are confused, just replace “sleep” with “night” and you will be fine. I tried throwing a nap in there so they would arrive sooner, but it didn’t work.) I’m anxious to see them all. Stephanie and the little ones are in a wedding. I’m curious to see how fabulous the little ones do. At 1½ and 3½, I think they will steal the show. They return in about three months for the wedding of my niece. I need some other happy gathering around January to keep them coming at any frequency.

I feel guilty that I did not journal with my prayers and devotions last night. It’s so easy to stop a habit. I am great at convincing myself that things can wait as I strive to do things in moderation with my chronic pain. The bad news is that I have this slower life style down so well; I seldom get anything accomplished anymore. I better start speeding it up some. What a pity since I am so good at snoozing, playing on the computer and reading. The house and “to do” list can wait.

I’m getting tired of the summer heat, but fear expressing those emotions with too much zeal for the winter months will have us hunkering down sooner than we want.

These flippant paragraphs on today’s post really hold far more information about me than they appear at first glance. My life is spent waiting for all sorts of good things – good hospital tests, visits by grandsons and a son-in-law with my daughter in tow, and then time for the computer to get in sync so I can play my goofy games.
How blessed I am to be able to have this life style for a portion of my life. I’ll be up busy again soon. Just stay tuned and watch.

Manner God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove Life is Good:
- I can have periods of laziness and blame it on pain prevention without too much hassle from friends who know me.

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