I think one of the hardest things here at PRC is saying good-bye to the “graduates”. Each week, about three or four friends say adios. Although we are happy they have successfully completed a tough three and a half weeks, we will miss the cohesion of our group. There’s almost an audible gasp as names are erased from the team board. Three people left last Friday and two will go tomorrow. These people know us better than we know ourselves. We have shared our skeletons, but now must promise we will stay in touch while realizing best intentions probably won’t last long.
I’m still taking some tumbles. I slammed pretty hard against one wall and am considering trying out for the Bears in some defensive position. I was wheeling so badly later in the afternoon that I brought down two grown men who were caught off-balance as they tried to catch me before I hit ground zero. You should have seen the OT’s face as she walked in with three adults intertwined on the floor with garbage strewn on the floor. My body thought the garbage can could cushion my fall, so the container got knocked over with us. I’m still creaking when I move. My head has some nice lumps from this weekend’s laundry debacle, and my increased PT exercises have muscles that I didn’t know still existed dialing 911.
Thanks for the cards that are decorating my hotel room. Pictures sent by Stephanie also help keep me moving. A fantastic friend from home emailed me Mother Theresa’s poem that I recite daily multiple times. I got another card in the mail. Thanks for all of the support everyone.
I’m going to actually end this posting before it rambles out of control. Pain pills, heating pads and even over the counter medications are now ranking higher than chocolate, but all of the above are on the forbidden list with Mayo. I will be in our hot tub about 3.4 seconds after we get home in two weeks, that is if I can walk that quickly or that far.
I’m falling asleep, so I better clean off the bed and go brush my teeth. I better hurry since there is a strong possibility that this task may take me until morning. Happy dreams everyone.
Advantage of the Mighty Three
- People get to play a human version of pick-up sticks when they follow me into a room.
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