Since today is the Sabbath, I’ll honor the whole day of rest stuff. I really honor it all week, but I’m not ready to admit that publically. Instead of my usual spiel about The Mighty Three, I decided to just go back and recopy all of the advantages tat I earlier listed. So. . .
There’s the feel of the paparazzi while you bounce off the walls.
You have an excuse for not perfecting movements during aerobics as you struggle to avoid vertigo attacking your fat frame. Is it the vertigo or the out of shape body?
You make the registrar’s day by already having all your personal information already complete on the hospital records. You get to use the fast lane while checking in.
You get an additional cause when you drop to the floor. Now, it’s not solely the fault of the vertigo. PLUS an added bonus is no exercise.
People underestimate your speed.
After having a really cruddy headache, it makes the following day feeling fantastic!
I have much more time to reflect on the people in my life. The only problem is deciding which individuals deserve the spotlight.
You don’t have to worry about getting a fifth Olympic gold medal. You just have to find the couch.
The dizziness prevents me from overeating too much. I can’t catch the food let alone keep it on silverware.
People assume you have a reason to lack patience and have a hazy brain as long as you resemble a ping-pong ball when you walk. The movements, color AND shape of that sphere look just like me!
You learn to deal with changes in schedules. Flexibility is the key word! We have to be flexible in our thoughts because our bodies sure don’t bend anymore!
You get sympathy points when you show strangers the list of foods to avoid. Can you imagine no chocolate, caffeine or yeast? Be still my heart!
With multiple doctors and a gift of gab, you find out interesting trivia from your doctors. My second doctor today grew up playing high school basketball against the same towns described on Little House on the Prairie. The comfort of sharing works both ways!
Communion cups look really cool when you have vertigo. They catch the light of the sun as they spin in celebration.
You make new friends while waiting in doctor offices (and sitting on washroom floors!)
Vestibular physical therapy exercises can make you look like an athlete in under a minute per day.
When you fall outside in balmy Minnesota, staff can easily locate you with your rosy cheeks.
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