Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Greetings from Balmy Minnesota

I promised many of you that I would try to stay in touch during our vacation in Rochester. A few of you lucky ones got hear an abridged version of yesterday describing the fun trip here. All you missed was that migraines, vertigo, tinnitus and good old NAUSEA decided to come with on the ride. That marvelous info and the fact that I mailed it out at 2 AM from our bathroom really states it all. (The good news is that I have dropped 15 pounds since Christmas. The bad news is that I still am fatter than Santa!)

Today began with an early shuttle ride to Mayo with MANY other people cramped in the vehicle. (The bad news - too many people in a hot van. The good news - there were so many people that when my vertigo got worse and I fell, I just fell into people and not to the floor A youngin' saw my plight and then quickly offered me a seat.)

When I got off the van, the vertigo really hit again so my body once again decided to closely examine the pavement. Boy, those wheelchairs come fast when people fall. Then off to 8th floor for doctor appointment one.

We both were very impressed with the detail and time spent by my coordinating doctor, Dr Egger. He actually specializes in people with migraines, vertigo and tinnitus (hereafter named The Mighty Three. You have to have ALL three in order to see him. Wow! Although he looks only slightly older than my grandson Teddy, he examined, explained, tortured, filmed and questioned me for about 2 hours. Bob particularly liked the fancy goggles I wore. It was totally dark for me, but my eyes appeared huge for people watching my fun.

Note - One thing I learned was that if you didn't have pretty bad motion sickness as a kid and can now read in the car, you very strongly won't have tinnitus.

Basically, my day was packed with appointments. I had an audiological exam, balance testing and MRI all right in a row. That had me finishing up around 6 PM. The balance testing has lots of fun torture devices that will hopefully help me and others with the mighty three conditions. One of my favorites was being placed in a big chair like a Disney ride. I was strapped in, given special goggles, fitted with clothing protective gear (for when your tummy gets mad at you as the test guarantees) and then hermetically sealed in a huge cylinder. The fun begins as the chair "bent to create a variety of vertigo induced positions" for about 3 years. The test was probably much shorter, but I dare you to question me for accuracy.

I ended my day with an MRI with contrast where I challenged multiple staff to find a vein for an IV to get back at them for all that balance fun earlier inflicted upon my poor body.

Well yippee! My four pretzels and sips of pop have stayed down while I filled you in on an adventure packed day. I'm back there tomorrow morning at 7:45 AM to continue the process. I start with more balance testing. Life is Good.

All kidding aside, thanks for all of your concern and prayers. Many of you asked for an update, so a mass email seemed the best. My last appointment is Friday, January 21st.

Well guys, at this rate, I should return home weighing 92 pounds. Appointments continue through next Tuesday. I get a two day reprieve for staff to write reports and gather with Dr. Egger in hopes of figuring me out. All kidding aside, I am truly blessed to be able to come to Mayo. The professional care and dedicated staff are definitely gifts from God. We could not be treated any nicer. Although I wish the film of me walking down the hall could be submitted to Funniest Home Videos, I'm grateful for a chance to help others ease The Mighty Three.

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