I begin this post with a synopsis of Janet Jabbers for people who have not had the “experience” of reading my thoughts. I’m in a new, virtual Bible study where we have been asked to share our blogs with others. So, if you have been tuning in for a while, you can skip through this intro.
My daughter recently asked if I wanted to join her in a virtual Bible study that she had done the previous year. As a mother of two toddlers, I continue to be amazed at her time for various Bible studies and Christian women’s groups. Once I heard about Good Morning Girls, I was anxious and proud to participate. I bragged about the opportunity to try something new as I strengthened my Biblical knowledge. I was honored that my daughter wanted to include me in such a program although I laughed at the title for my trepidation of anything before noon is well known to all who know me. My excitement flowed through my actions and words. I got a special notebook to “SOAP” and sent emails to friends to share this new way to have a group. I wanted to try sharing on a computer and actually felt somewhat trendy as I counted down the days to begin.
Although I had heard the benefits of reading small increments of the Bible, I had never had a study where I daily went verse by verse. I was always the one who would read the whole Bible or at least one book at a time. I assumed the strength of such an approach would largely be for memorization, something I was negligent in doing. It’s hard to slow my enthusiasm down once I hear or experience an idea that I liked.
God has been working in my life to slow me down for quite some time. I currently am on short-term disability for an amalgam of conditions. I’ve consistently searched for reasons and applications for my new way of life. This blog initially began as a synopsis of my treatment up at Mayo Clinic. It was a fast, once again that fast word, way to share with others an update on my life. I was blessed with so many others in my life who cared about me. I had an inner burning, not heartburn mind you, to try to make others understand chronic pain and the mindboggling impact it has on life. I needed to let others experience the symptoms so they could better understand it. Knowledge breeds empathy. This site slowly evolved into a positive outlook on my life. I end each posting with a way God uses my chronic pain to prove that life is good. It has become my trademark. Surprisingly, these wonderful applications are not difficult to find. Life IS good thanks to the love of Jesus Christ.
As I write down this background, even I am amazed at my “need for speed.” I even began by encouraging others to zip through my own vital words. Good Morning Girls, this virtual Bible study is an effort for women across the country to begin the day thinking of God. The site states it far better than I:
This is a place of grace – college students, nursing moms, working moms, homeschooling moms, room moms, grandma’s caring for their grandchildren or ailing parents, and women from all walks of life are here! We women are busy and doers! We need this time – but this needs to be a time of peace – NO pressure - do what time allows.
So far this week, our focus has been on 1 John 1:1-3. John writes of his personal witnessing of Jesus and our need to proclaim this news to others. Believe it our not, proclaiming has always been awkward for me. I associate the word with evangelizing, walking through the neighborhood with my Bible in hand to tell others of their need to know Jesus. When I checked the word in the dictionary though I found the meaning to include more than standing on a soapbox. It also meant to make something clear. I was an example of a Christian; my life should try to reflect these beliefs.
Through a God Winked “coincidence,” on Monday I also went for the first time to a meeting of WISP, Women in Search of Peace. This group gathers females, thus the word “women,” of all religions together to lovingly share our faiths together. Muslims, Mormons, Lutherans and Catholics gathered with me that night in two hours of talking, laughing and learning. The more time we spend with those who might not share our views, the more we find that we have more alike than different. Hey! As I edit this blog, I see this matches with my site’s purpose. It’s the need to let others experience my life so they can positively understand it.
One participant shared words with this basic idea. “God has cut different religions so we may learn of God’s power in our own different ways.” Wow! What a strong parallel with Good Morning Girls. I am experiencing fellowship with a group of women previously not in my circle in the efforts to learn more about God and work for peace within us. What a strong mission! Life is good!
God Uses Chronic Pain to Prove that Life is Good:
- I am forced to slow down my frantic pace to find what is really important in life.