The Advent season has just arrived reminding us to prepare. It's a time of waiting and watching. How extra true for me this year!
I sit in Connecticut waiting for the birth of my second grandchild. More appropriately, I sit in Connecticut waiting for my poor daughter to give birth. Seeing her discomfort grow brings added anxious thoughts for the upcoming birth. Yet with Bob back home, Stephanie and I have had the opportunity to ponder what that trip for Mary was like so long ago.
Did she have back labor? Did she not care about being in a manger as long as she could finally deliver a healthy child? Was it hard to be far away from family? Did the smells make her nauseous? What did she eat, and who prepared the meal? How would the story differ if Jesus had a two year old brother?
I'm blessed with the opportunity to be here these few days. The anticipation heightens. With all of the marvels of science, God still works at His own pace, not our own. Yet He has made me slow down and allow me to make magical memories.
We attended her church on Sunday where Teddy received a variety of Advent countdowns that differ from any found on Black Friday. Each of these highlight a special birth with pictures, colors and words that capture the interest of a child. They count down to Christmas with a simplicity that surpasses the blaring music and frenzied malls of the secular holiday.
As I glanced at the Bible verses and simple printed questions, I missed the Advent devotionals from past years. We nightly gathered around our family Advent wreath to instill in Stephanie the real importance of December 25. We spent time together making cards and ornaments, reading books and singing Christmas carols. Candles were lit to remind us to slow down and prepare. And ponder. And think. And spend time together.
Stephanie has moved away and formed a family of her own, also built on love and faith. She has continued many of her childhood traditions while forming beautiful ones of her own. Last night we decorated gingerbread cookies complete with gumdrops and licorice. A nativity scene fills the counter while another stands atop the TV. She is preparing. She is helping instill in Teddy the need to prepare. And ponder.
I think of the last few years with just Bob and I in our quieter home. We used devotionals prepared by church members as a reminder to change our pace. If none were available, we reused one from a past year. The dates may have been off, but the message was the same. Unfortunately we sometimes got behind and read two or three (or four) in one night. How could we have had all that time just two decades before and lack the opportunity now? Is it truly a matter of time or rather a change of priority? Since we are old (sorry Bob) does that preclude us from taking time from important things like watching TV or playing on the computer? Does the laundry really need folding that badly?
God put me this year in a different town without my usual calendar. Could He be reminding me of the need to truly prepare? Am I preparing for Christmas 2009, grandchild two, or the second coming of Christ?
I want to take some time for special pondering and preparing. With Bob so far away, the computer is one way for me to let Bob know my thoughts. I want to offer you that chance too. (I realize that requires you to read further of my writings.)
I am providing you, some of my dearest friends, the address of this blog. (Wow, I am really trying to have a blog now! Not bad for a grandma!) In days ahead, I will write down some Bible verses and questions? Hopefully there will be new ones in each day in December. You will find questions to ponder and hopefully help you prepare. You are invited to join Bob and I in our quest to return to a few minutes at a slower pace and better perspective. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know your preparations.
Talk to you tomorrow.